Welcome To The Duke Healthcare Coalition

The Duke Health Care Coalition provides a forum for all partners who have a role in healthcare disaster planning, response, or mitigation and facilitates preparedness initiatives as determined by the regional membership. Benefits of membership in the Duke Coalition include access to training opportunities, and involvement in exercises that are Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) consistent and meet most credentialing requirements. As a Duke Coalition member, you will be included in regional planning and mutual aid agreements as well as opportunities to collaborate with your peers and enable a more cohesive response during disasters. Please accept this outreach as an invitation to join our group and assist in our efforts. Our success is deeply dependent upon the participation and ideas of groups and individuals within the region.



Warm regards,

Duke Healthcare Preparedness Coalition

Internship Opportunity Summer 2022

Duke Health is offering two unpaid internship opportunities with the Office of Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity for the summer of 2022. The position will either be based at Duke University Hospital or Duke Healthcare Preparedness Coalition. Below gives a brief description of the two locations and the unique experiences each has to offer. If applicable, you will be able to indicate placement preferences on the application. Please note that placement is primarily for the purpose of project assignment, programs will include learning and experiential opportunities at both locations.

• Duke University Hospital (DUH)- This placement is located at Duke University Hospital the flagship teaching hospital for the Duke Health System and one of the top ranked hospitals in North Carolina. The student’s primary focus will be to support the hospital’s comprehensive emergency management program and learn how the organization ensures the continuous delivery of patient care, staff safety, and operations in the event of a disaster or emergency. They will be able to participate in a variety of emergency preparedness activities including planning committees, mitigation projects, education and training, emergency drills, exercises, and actual events as appropriate. They will have the opportunity to engage with a multitude of hospital leaders across disciplines and work with dynamic teams in the clinical environment.

• Duke Healthcare Preparedness Coalition (DHPC)- This placement is located off campus at 100 Golden Dr. At DHPC, students will have the opportunity to experience emergency preparedness and planning for a wide variety of healthcare facilities from hospitals, public health, EMS and long-term care facilities. Students will also experience planning for response and recovery for large-scale emergencies that may occur within the region and/or the state of North Carolina. The primary purpose of the Healthcare Coalition is to prepare and plan for medical surge across the region to ensure continuity of medical care during crisis. DHPC also manages one of eight State Medical Assistance Teams (SMAT) and Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) that deploys during crisis and/or large planned events.

Deadline to apply:  Extended to March 14, 2022 , midnight.


For more information contact;

Emily Nash – emily.nash@duke.edu , or

David Marsee – david.marsee@duke.edu


Administrative Documents

Coalition Bylaws:

Duke Healthcare Coalition Amended bylaws v012618

Coalition Strategic Plan:
2017_2018 DHPC Strategic Plan

Coalition Project Request Form:
https://nctrianglecoalition.org/uploads/Project Submission Form.pdf

Coalition Assesment Report :
https://nctrianglecoalition.org/uploads/DHPC Assessment Report.pdf

Coalition Annual Scorecard and Evaluation July 2017 -Dec 2017:

DHPC-Mid year Evaluation and Scorecard Fy17_18

Coalition Roster of Membership by Caucus:
Please request a copy by contacting Duke Coalition staff

Coalition Hazard Vulnerability Assessment:
Please request a copy by contacting Duke Coalition staff

Coalition Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan:

DHPC MYTEP Final 121317

Coalition Reference Map:
https://nctrianglecoalition.org/uploads/NC Health Care Coalition Reference Map.pdf

Meeting Presentations / Minutes


BP5 Fourth Quarter Joint DRAC / Coalition Meeting 04/28/17:
https://nctrianglecoalition.org/uploads/Duke Coaliton April Meeting slides.pdf

Meeting Minutes 04/28/17:
https://nctrianglecoalition.org/uploads/DHPC Apr2017 Minutes.pdf

BP1 First Quarter Coalition Meeting Slides 07/28/17:
https://nctrianglecoalition.org/uploads/DHPC Slides July 2017.pdf

Meeting Minutes 07/28/17:
https://nctrianglecoalition.org/uploads/DHPC Minutes July 2017.pdf

BP1 Second Quarter Joint Coalition Meeting Slides 10/27/17:

Coalition Meeting slides10-27-17

Meeting Minutes 10/27/17:

Health Care Coalition Meeting Minutes October 2017

BP1 Third Quarter Joint Coalition Meeting Slides 01/26/18:

DHPC Coalition General Meeting January 26 2018

Surge Planning Swim Lane Document

Duke Coalition Swimlane Diagram

Meeting Minutes 01/26/2018:

DHPC Health Care Coalition Meeting Minutes January 2018

Response Documents

Coalition Support Plan:

NCTC Support Plan (DHPC Version 2018)